I was reading some comments over the last few days about how the Raptors defense had improved. By a score-by-score basis in this young season I suppose you could make that conclusion, but you had to keep in mind that the Raptors had played the Cleveland Cavaliers twice and they are a team that is arguably worse than the Raptors! Yes it'll probably come as a surprise to the haters that there are worse teams in the NBA than the Raptors. Anyways, what I'm saying don't conclude the Raptors' defense has improved until they actually match-up with legitimate teams like the Heat, Bulls or Celtics.

Also, I know 1/2 of you don't care if the Blue Jays and Raptors move to Wichita Falls, your feeling are well known on the subject so if you don't have anything to say besides the usual then please don't.