Quote Originally Posted by 1argoholic View Post
One of the worst and craziest nights of my life was at a Rush concert way back in my highschool days. It was at Varsity Stadium and we all sat drinking cans of beer in line outside for hours. Then once the concert started people went insane ripping up the grass field and having turf fights. By this time I was in such pain as my kidney was killing me. It wasn't until about five years later that the left side pain I'd had from the age of seven was finally discovered. I had my left kidney out right after graduating college. I left that Rush show early as the pain of a non functioning kidney after a bunch of beer was killer. Funny how I'm not a Rush fan. haha.
My Dr in those days was funny but a clue out. For 14 or 15 years he kept saying it was growing pains.
You should have consulted this women's doctor: