Quote Originally Posted by 1argoholic View Post
I'd gladly grab some cash off Rogers. hahaha.

It's very easy for folks like Beaston to sound off about sod in the dome but the reality will be so expensive. Just the fact that the dome doesn't have proper drainage alone makes this a massive construction issue. It's not like they just have to rip up the turf and toss a few yards of soil and sod on top.
Let's assume that they are dead set on getting the grass into SkyDome in time for the 2018 baseball season which would be April, 2018. Let's also assume that the Argos get into BMO in time for the 2016 or 2017 seasons. The Jays will finish playing the 2017 season in early October or late October if they make the playoffs. That leaves Rogers with five months to do all that will be needed to do to get grass into that stadium. Is that even remotely enough time for such a massive job?