The STH post got me thinking about this. If the Argos blacked out home games will attendance increase? I know that the Argos have lots of fans within an hour drive of the Roger center. But I find these fans to be a little hypocritical. They watch the Argos, cheer for the Argos, have opinions on the team, want them to thrive yet never leave the house and come down to support them. Is it because it is so much easier to order a pizza, grab a 6 pack, and watch the game on HD TV at home? No traffic, parking issues. Blackouts won't effect me as I drive the 1 1/2 hours to the games to support the team. Is it time to blackout the GTA and get people out of the house and down to the game. The NFL has some of the best sport brains in the world and they impose blackouts. Must be some reason they do it. Attendance will only go up.

Don't need to hear that the TSN deal won't allow it. We don't know that. There could be a clause in the TV deal that may allow teams to blackout games. This sould have been delt with before the deal, and its only in the GTA, they would not be losing a lot of viewers.