The sound levels have been reduced quite a bit in the past year or so. It used to be totally unbearable there. You could never talk about a play that just happened as you would have to yell to be heard. While it is better, there is still just too much ot it. Most of it is not my type of music, but that is not the point. They cannot cater to everyone in that regard. All I really want is an entertaining game and tonight's win over Edmonton was that for sure !! Lots of scoring and right down tot he final half minute. I will enjoy going even if I am the only one in the stands. I don't need any bells and whistles. .... just my cowbell.
I just don't understand the number of people that say they are Argo fans, but never or rarely go to a game. There are only 9 dates per year to worry about. This is a gate driven league, so we should all be out every single game. We could lose this team if things don't start improving attendance-wise.