The gate for the Esks preseason game in Fort Mac has exceeded $1 million, with all the sideline seats costing $99 and soldout within 5 hours. With the Argos being the home team, they should reap the lion's share of the revenues...which could be used to help market the other 8-9 home games in Toronto. Considering the alternatives, the Fort Mac game will give the Argos fortunes a boost compared to a Varsity game (which would generate low revenues and be ridiculed by the media) or a Moncton game (with a $1 million+ expense). It's unfortunate loyal Argo fans will lose a June home game but that just might whet fan's appetite for the real home opener. I'll go out on a limb and predict a 25,000+ attendance for the Riders game...which could portend heightened interest and larger crowds for the Argos this season.