So what is going on. My local Walmart had lots of Argo stuff and my local Canadian tire. The guy working in the sports section at Canadian Tire told me the Argo stuff is selling very well in Dec. he was surprised he told me, of course he was all,of 17. Got into a big debate with him regarding TV numbers for the Argos and CFL. Had to google it and show him. As he said, why does the league not promote its success, like TVnumbers more via the main stream media. Told him that is a on going debate. Anyways he said he is buying some Argo tickets for BMO to check it out. I hope the Argos pull off all the stops for the first season at BMO, as fans that have never given the Argos a thought, are going to be checking them out come 2016 and we want them back for 2017.
My conversation started with him over him thinking the Raptors get a TV rating over a million all the time. He was shocked to see the real Raptor numbers