The Redblacks appear to have a hate on for every other CFL team according to this article.
Here's their reasons hating for the Argos (I thought it would be a love affair, considering all the quality players the Argos have sent to Ottawa).

– Sharing a city with the Leafs, a truly unforgivable crime
– Overcoming the loss of their starting AND backup QB (both lost to hellacious hits) to win the 1990 East Semi-Final with their 3rd stringer
– Winning the 2004 Grey Cup in Ottawa with Damon Allen at the helm, a big FU to every Southsider who ever hollered “HOBART!”
– Screwing up the 2016 Grey Cup pricing
– Waiting two months to fire GM Jim Barker and then choosing to do it on the same day Henry Burris has his retirement press conference
Verdict: 2.5 Little Balls of Hate