Quote Originally Posted by ArgoRavi View Post
Weirdly enough, a good quarter of that 1990 Bombers championship team has died young, with Bauer being the most recent one.
Not so weird that a linesmen would live less than a average lifespan. A 2023 study that controlled for health in comparing college age men who played football and those who did not found although NFL players at other positions than linesmen lived as long as the non-pro athletes, linesmen had on average shorter lives.

To investigate, we conducted two analyses. In analysis 1, we compared a) all professional American football players whose first season was 1986 or between 1988 and 1995 to b) a random sample of same-age American men observed as part of the National Health Interview Surveys in those same years selected on good health, at least 3 y of college, and not being poor. The exposure consists of playing one or more games of professional football; the outcome is risk of death within 25 y. In analysis 2, we use data on 1,365 men drafted to play in the (American) National Football League in the 1950s—906 of whom ultimately played professional football, and 459 of whom never played a game in any professional league. We estimate the association between playing football and survival through early 2023. In both analyses, we investigate differences between linemen and other position players. In contrast to most prior research, in both analyses, we find that linemen died earlier than otherwise similar men; men who played other positions died no earlier (or later).