Quote Originally Posted by Kenners View Post
not sure if apologizing on behalf of this ass is needed, or even wanted. Muslim communities, from what i've heard, haven't apologized for the shooter, but rather condemned his actions. They don't accept what he has done, just like they have condemned terrorist acts of ISIS. By condemning actions, one is saying this person does not represent me/us in any way.
My apologies, let me try that again:

Should Muslims have to condemn the actions of the shooter in Orlando. I know some groups already have but I always feel like it's ridiculous that they feel they need to. I know the majority of Muslims would never consider doing something as heinous as what happened in Orlando and I hold the shooter responsible for his actions, not the group he associated with.

There is reason we call people extremisits because what they say or do is not of the norm. So, should others have to condemn obvious extreme behaviour?

Again with that said, I condemn the extremely stupid and insensitive comments of @tfc114roadie.