Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Like it or not this guy has made TFC fans look bad in a public forum. To not have TFC fans condemn him for hoping it was Argos fans who were slaughtered can make it appear that they are OK with it. Especially with all the public displays of anger directed at the Argos move to BMO.

Condemnation gives the voice back to the good fans. Silence gives the only voice to the extremist.
So, by that logic Muslims should have to apologize for the actions of the shooter in Orlando. I know some groups already have but I always feel like it's ridiculous that they feel they need to. I know the majority of Muslims would never consider doing something as heinous as what happened in Orlando and I hold the shooter responsible for his actions, not the group he associated with.

With that said, I apologize on behalf of TFC fans for @tfc114roadie extremely stupid and insensitive comments.

In this TFC vs. Argos fans “debate” there is stupidity being thrown around on both sides of the fence by a minority of fans on each side. I really hope one day it will stop.