I cannot speak for the rest of Canada, but growing up in Mississauga and now moving to Mitchell, I noticed that there are zero football fields in these areas, I was fortunate enough that my High School (also where Andre Durie went to) had 2 dual football/soccer fields (with the soccer goal posts and the football posts up top), however there was a soccer only field at the park right next to these fields, and around my parents house there were 3 parks within 15 minute walking distance and 3 schools in less than 10 minutes walking and there are 3 baseball fields, 13 soccer only fields, 2 tennis courts, 5 basketball courts and 1 dual football/soccer field. Also in Mitchell I have driven by about 3 parks and I've seen 2 baseball fields, 2 basketball courts, 1 tennis court and 6 soccer fields. Where are all the football fields in this Country ?
How do we expect kids to play football or gravitate to it if all they see is hockey arenas, baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, etc.