Ouch, jumping ship to Hamilton, eeeew...I could not do it, but understand the frustration leading to that decision.

This season has been a complete sh*t show, both on and off the field. For me, being a 14 year season ticket holder, I am more pissed off at the on field product before anything else. Attending every single game at BMO this season, I can count 1, maybe 2 that were entertaining to watch. The others, complete garbage. That I believe is the main reason for the fluttering fan base. I am tempted to not buy season tickets again because I cant justify spending $50+ a ticket + food/beer and parking for a night out, that I can't even enjoy. I knew going into BMO for the first season, there were going to be a lot of issues with a number of things (schedule, fan oriented events, etc) so I wasn`t expecting much. In fact, I was surprised with how well the Shipyard and Tailgate have gone. Did anyone really think moving to BMO this season would suddenly create the perfect franchise? I believe things will get better. The schedule will improve, now that they know not as much time/effort is needed to return the field to soccer specs. The team will bring back fan events. It is the on field product that loses me the most. Some people consider the CFL "Mickey Mouse" and it is hard not to agree with pathetic play like the Argos have showed.

On a side note, what do other season ticket holder fan bases do? Any sport? Does anyone know? I doubt the Leafs do anything special for fans, other than the nice printed tickets (like we have). Raptors? Jays? I doubt they are letting fans skate with the Leafs or play horse with Derozan or catch with Bautista.