Quote Originally Posted by Gill The Thrill View Post
Are you in any position, economically or physically to punch someone in the mouth for disrespecting the CFL??? Get a grip. I know I'm not, maybe physically I'm still capable of popping someone in the mouth, but I would not want to face the economic and legal consequences. The point being, people are free to believe what they want, and it's the CFL and the Argos job to promote their product to them, not ours to threaten them.

I'm also a little tired of this term "wannabeism". You're beating a dead horse and it's been dead a long time. It can't be just the "Major League" mentality because how could you explain the decent attendance and near sellouts at TFC games. TFC does not get the coverage of the Blue Jays, Raptors and Leafs, and the guys who talk about them on the radio will flat out tell you, the MLS is not the Premier League in England, La Liga in Spain, Serie A in Italy or the Bundesliga in Germany...and that's just the top leagues in Europe, even the Mexican top league has a far superior talent level than the MLS, yet Toronto FC is still capable of selling their product to an enthusiastic market. There's absolutely no reason the Argos can't do the same for football fans in the Greater Toronto Area.

I said (jokingly) "threaten" to punch a pompous wannabe in the yap - no go out and actually assault somebody. What's your response, as a CFL fan, to all the snide little dweebs in that part of the map who like to put down the CFL? - "oh well, whatever" - maybe that's been a part of the problem for decades now - letting mouthy little "wannabes" get away with running their ignorant, big mouths to foster a CFL is so 3rd rate or not cool mentality/culture.

Wannabes exist - tough titty if you're tired of the term - it's a big part of the problem, IMO, that the Argos and the CFL face in the GTA and/or Southern Ontario and it ha been led by wannabe dupes in the media. It's great that soccer fans in the area are supporting the FC and realize they are not the Premier League or other huge soccer leagues but that is not an issue to theme - they are not part of the problem : wannabes who bad mouth, mock or spew garbage about the CFL are - and IMO they need to be called on it. If you're good with living amongst so many pathetic little "world class" pukes and accepting their mentality - hey, that's swell /good for you.

Agreed though that the Argos should be able to sell their product to more sports/football fans in the GTA; but not with a quiet little sheep mentality.