And as I answered before--"I have no idea what he has or has not done but judging solely by results, he has been spectacularly unsuccessful at getting the team broad and acceptable media coverage. As the CEO, he has to recognize that this is a priority and must accept the success or lack of success at achieving this goal."

Perhaps, as you seem to imply, he might be attempting, to get better media coverage for the team. If he has been and he is successful, I will be the first to acknowledge and compliment him on the accomplishment. However, we see little evidence of this, at this time but I am willing to withhold judgement until more time has expired.

However, should we be satisfied with the present media coverage for the team? If one's answer is yes, then fine , end of discussion. If the answer is no, then where does one place the responsibility for that. It has always been my philosophy that the buck stops at the top.