So, maybe the Argos could rent the 5 or 6 new streetcars we do have for the 2 hours prior to their games to help us out of towners get as close to BMO as possible. Even a bus or two - LOL! Hamilton adds extra buses, as do Ottawa and Montreal (the Alouette Express). With the current size of the crowds it may not be required, but the easier it is to get there, the more the crowd might grow. It is really a no lose situation to add a few buses to the routes leading to the EX: regular TTC users get better service for a couple of hours and Argo ticket holders get a free ride to the gates of the Ex. The TTC can advertise it as a goodwill gesture to Toronto sports fans (Do it for all of the teams if they don't already, due to actual demand for, say, Jays or TFC). Surely Bell could underwrite this to kindle support for the team. BMO is a great venue, but it is a total pain to get to...