Quote Originally Posted by Jayahre View Post
I can't see the sense in tarping off, all you are doing is telling the TV audience that you can't fill them seats so you cover them up with a tarp.
That doesn't help attendance at all, the seats are still empty!
Make the east side cheaper? it's already cheap, you can buy cheap tickets and move somewhere else in the stadium. We are on the west side for the Ticat game and we moved over to the sunny east side, it was a fairly cool afternoon and wanted to sit in the sun.
If tickets were so cheap on the east side, why didn't you just by a ticket on the east side at the 40 yd line, rather than buy a $20 ticket and move....oh, could it be because they are priced at $100....for a section that's practically empty and not selling. That's pretty steep in this market based on supply and demand. That's Economics 101. Better to price at $40 - $60 and fill the section, than price at a $100 to get that skydome feel and have nobody there in front of the TV cameras.

This team has been outpricing their fans for 10 years and maybe longer. This backlash can all be traced back to idiotic pricing for last year's Grey Cup, all because this is wonderful Toronto, where money grows on trees and the streets are paved with Gold. Well that move sure backfired on Michael Copeland and Sarah Moore. What happened to the 40,000 capacity for Grey Cup games? Obviously that got reduced to 33,000 because of how expensive the seats were...wonderful.

Perhaps people just want to buy a seat and sit on the numbered seat and section that it states on their ticket without feeling like their sneaking to another section. Make fans feel like they are getting value, so that they can bring either their family of 4-5, or allow a dad, or single mom bring their kid to a game without having to sacrifice their future rent, mortgage or meals.

That hotdog deal is friggin minimal, but it's something. Really hotdogs are cheap processed foods and a pop is sugar and syrop from a bulk bag mixed with water...in other words, a hotdog and a pop is not enticing enough in this day and age....it's basically a $25 ticket....depending on the section, it still may not be a great deal...if it's in the upper deck East stands....the answer speaks for itself