Quote Originally Posted by CptArcher View Post
He had it on his night table. Clearly the behaviour of a criminal. *facepalm*

And let's cool it with the character assassinations. Judging somebody by a Twitter feed (consisting of less than 10 posts) is quite possibly the stupidest and shallowest idea ever. You guys will be real happy when he's sitting in jail for 3 years for committing a victimless "crime". It boggles my mind how things like possessing a weapon or a drug can get you jail time. thats tyranny for ya.
Quote Originally Posted by CptArcher View Post
Three years for having a gun?! Who gets hurt by guns and these laws?

For Goodness sakes, he would have been better off mugging a random or molesting a child - which are minor offences. The harsh crimes are reserved for the real evil people who dare to have a gun for self defence. This is just so sickening and disgusting. People in this country are so brainwashed to freak out when the see or even hear the word "gun". I guess thats what you get from CTV and CBC news. I'm sure the authorities were on the scene quickly to restore order and subdue the rampant criminal gun-owner.
You take issue with people judging Coughman by his Twitter feed yet you persistently claim the 3 year sentence for what Coughman has done is wrong yet we don't know all the facts yet. With the information we have at hand I agree with you but does Coughman have any prior offences here or in Georgia? Perhaps we are jumping to conclusions to quickly. Regardless you are probably right about judging a person to harshly based on a few tweets even though those tweets are pretty dumb and you are probably right about the 3 year term. I don't have an issue with our firearms laws. I personally think the attitude about guns in Canada is a positive vs. the attitude in the US. The majority of canadians don't feel the need to carry a firearm to protect themselves. I do have an issue with mandatory sentencing though for any crime. Also just so you know I do have a valid PAL for restricted and non restricted firearms.