Quote Originally Posted by doubleblue View Post
I don't know about that. Fighting in Hockey has almost been eliminated over night so to speak. Those were the main guys getting the concussions. Hockey has had a penalty for any head contact now for quite a few years. Game misconducts in the OHA and Minor Hockey. Major Junior has also really cracked down on fighting and the body contact is nothing like it used to be. Football has done mighty little about head contact except for on the QB's. Football better get on board on the Helmet hits or the Courts will do it for them. IMO
I have refereed many levels of hockey for 35 years, most concussions are caused by collisions during play.
Actually at the pro level there is much more physical contact (bodychecking) than there used to be, the players are in much better condition (faster), the equipment offers way more protection and shifts are shorter thus more high speed collisions.
Most if not all hockey helmets offer very little protection to the brain, a clean hit can cause a concussion just as an elbow to the head can.