Well I see this thread went deep into dead horse territory!

At the risk of being unsentimental, I will offer this: the team doesn't owe us a tailgate. The team doesn't owe us a detailed accounting of why they cancelled it. The team doesn't owe us shit. It's been losing money since 1990 and were it anything other than North America's oldest continuous sports franchise it would have folded long ago. The sense of entitlement that people have on this board astounds me sometimes.

The 2017 Eastern Final was one of the best live sports experiences of my last decade, tailgate or no. The Argos are offering me a 25% ticket discount to come back for more and I'm gladly doing so, moving 20 yards closer to centre and adding an extra season ticket for good measure.

If this latest ticket gambit doesn't work we might not have an Argo team to complain about in a few years. Knowing that, I think it's a great time to focus on the superb value of a game ticket and, as they say, pull together.