Quote Originally Posted by Argofan_1000 View Post
the overnights come out and Rogers makes sure the boys at 3downnation write about it. The whole picture won't be known until the diaries are tabulated and the streaming numbers are in. Also it says TSN. What about Ottawa with 30-35% french. Would they tune in to RDS? A rabid fan base in Ottawa and the results on TV for this region was very poor. I Don't believe it. I work in advanced manufacturing and we use a lot of statistics. We get a number where it is off 25% from the norm - we throw it out as corrupt and we measure again. Numeris does not release much info about how they do things and there is a reason for it. They say Canada is very hard to measure and sports is the most difficult. That kind of qualifier throws up a flag.

Ottawa Hamilton game at the end of the season had poor viewer results and these 2 cities are only covered by diaries but the overnight ratings come out the next day. How does Numeris even publish information about this? Its suppose to be science. I'd say somethings wrong. Rogers years ago was very vocal about Numeris for the ratings for their properties, guess what? Ratings improved for Rogers. Not one legitimate agency double checks their work. Too easy to do so many things to the ratings. Multi million dollar deals sway in the balance of what Numeris publishes. I can think of many ways to cheat the system. Again, who is checking?
So Rogers who is a publicly traded company and owns the Argonauts is telling 3downnation who they don't own to write negative stories about the team that they own?