Quote Originally Posted by Argofan_1000 View Post
You guys trying to convince me that Cox and Rogers were not anti CFL, anti Argos? You can convince me of someone else but not these 2. Listened for years hearing it

Also did you notice that the number posted by 3 down nation (3.1 million) the next day is also the same number that Numeris published today (3.1 million) That means that the diaries were not taken into account or if they were, nobody with a diary watched the CFL GC.
Also the only document that tells us how the measurement is completed you don't believe. I will copy and paste it below where it says some of these markets are not covered by People Meters. Ottawa being one. Can you guys tell me the rules about how someone is included in the ratings if you miss 10 minutes of a 3 hour football game. Is it the same rules as watching a 25 minute sitcom? Is all sports treated the same? Lots of questions for me in the design of a statistical experiment. That's what it is. I am not saying the results are fake but there are far too many ways to skew the results. One of them is leaving out Ottawa, Regina, Halifax or others.

The other documents published by Numeris states that they are self policing. Its on their web site. Nobody without skin in the game is checking and NO results about how and where these meters are placed is discussed by Numeris. want to skew results? - place them heavily in one area. Matters for a sitcom? no it doesn't. matter for sports - yes it does. Hundreds of Millions of dollars are at stake and hangs on the breath of what Numeris publishes and NOBODY CHECKS! Here is the quote.

"In television, Numeris is partnered with the American company Nielsen in a joint venture which measures the Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal Anglo and Montreal Franco markets, [8] the Ontario region and national ratings figures via Portable People Meters. Numeris is the senior partner in the joint venture, and also continues to independently monitor some markets — primarily the francophone television market in Quebec, and some smaller media markets — which are not served by the joint operation, through diaries."
Stop using Wikipedia, the Numeris website has information on their methodology.