To a degree this question will be for those of a certain vintage, but I will ask it anyway.

For those who remember going to games at CNE Stadium, what are your fondest memories of going there? Not what happened on the field, but the whole game-day experience. I want you hit up your memory bank with every conceivable nuance that made going there as much fun as it was for you.

If that means admitting you liked throwing empty mickey bottles at Ticat fans (and who doesn't love that?), fess up.

The stronger the positive memory, the more I want to hear about matter how miniscule.

Thanks in advance.

If you're not that old, please let me know what little things you enjoy about going to outdoor games in other CFL markets, or NFL, NCAA or U Sports games.
If you're a Queen's fan, talk about the bagpipes...I'm looking for anything here that stands out and makes you feel nostalgic, or just pumps you up about going to a live football game.

Thanks again.
