Quote Originally Posted by OV Argo View Post
Afraid to answer the question i see ?

Clowns and half-time rasslin' aside; simple question: if the CFL got absorbed by or combined with the XFL, and the deal was that the rules of the new league were mostly American football like, would you still be an Argo / XCFL fan and buy tickets to attend games or watch as much of the league on TV as you have in the past ? And after all, if the CFL is "just a business" like any other, and the bottom line is all that matters, surely you would support the new venture if it meant the Argos were a bit more profitable ?
What a novel idea OV, half time rasslin. How about the Women's World Championship at BMO (they're always world championship's aren't they) at half time. The place would be rockin. I might have to find my old binoculars.