This is most disturbing news. The last time the Argos were displaced, it was painful and humiliating.

For all the talk about revenue for the city hosting these games, big deal. So the owners of a Sheridan or a Boston Pizza will make some cash, but it means nothing to the average Johnny Punch Clock paying for this with their taxes.

Also, Toronto can't even build a train that works right now. After the Pan-Am games were revealed to be a logistical and financial nightmare, I have zero faith in the powers that be to run a World Cup stint smoothly. This will be disastrously over budget. Just watch.

Looks like the Argos are gonna have to win a few more Cups and sell out BMO before they get any respect around here.

Too bad Tory's double life was revealed after the World Cup bid. Things may have gone differently.

That's my rant for the day.