Quote Originally Posted by paulwoods13 View Post
The org is in a terrible position. There is almost nothing they can say publicly that wouldn't reflect badly on someone -- their own staff or their starting QB.

However, there is also a third possibility -- that 3DN torqued or misinterpreted what Kelly said. The fact he was not explicitly quoted in the interview as saying he suffered a concussion on Saturday, and apparently made no mention of such a thing in a separate interview with Simmons, suggests that might be what happened.

The only quotes in the 3DN story about this say: “Personally, I did not feel good. My head and everything was not in the right place of mind to say anything to anybody. I needed to get in the locker room. My head was not good. I think there were a few times definitely that I was not in the right mind at all calling a play, even out on the field. It was definitely rough the day after and I’d say probably two days after, really. I mean, it’s something that you don’t want to go through. I’ve had one (concussion) before and it wasn’t to the extent of this one, but it’s definitely something that you gotta get help.”

The only reference to concussion is in parentheses, a word apparently not uttered in that quote by Kelly but placed there by 3DN. While concussion might be what he was suggesting, it apparently was not explicitly stated. Other interpretations are also possible. If he explicitly said he suffered a concussion on Saturday, why did no quote reflect that?

I want to give Kelly the benefit of the doubt, despite my previously stated concern about his propensity for going "off script" in the off-season. I have no such inclination towards 3DN, however.

Remember, before last season started, when 3DN published a story about Chad Kelly "acknowledging" rumours that he may be traded to Hamilton? They provided a link to an interview where it wasn't even discussed.

This would not be the first time 3DN completely made up a story about Kelly.