Quote Originally Posted by paulwoods13 View Post
I have no idea what happened in this particular case. But an employee, either contract or permanent, being deemed inadequate after previously being deemed adequate is not unusual in any workplace IMO. Circumstances change, operational needs change, and individuals change.
I don't know what happened in this case either. However, statistics show far more people get fired over personality or other personal conflicts than over whether they are competent or not. My wife worked in healthcare for fifteen years in one firm repeatedly winning employee-of-the-week awards, employee-of-the-month, and employee of the year awards. Then she got involved in a conflict with her brand new on the job fifth manager who was influenced by a disgruntled employee and bang she was gone. The good news, although we expected to she would be unemployed for some time, the phone starting ringing off the hook as soon as she put her resume out and she had the choice of many jobs, and ended being able to choose working in the top-rated hospital in BC in the department dealing with patients with brain injuries. It ended up being the best career move of her life. By the way when head office where she had worked investigated her firing, the ended up firing the manager who fired her and the other disgruntled employee.