Anyone here an athlete? It is a football forum so some of you must have played football I'm sure?
And what else do you do/play?
I won't discriminate, even if you aren't so athletic anymore what did you used to do? What do you like to do?

I am a martial artist I do Karate 3 or 4 times a week. Used to do wrestling and grappling as well, may do Jutsu in the future.
I also like to play football but there isn't much football around here, I'm looking for a flag football league to join but can't find one so I don't get to play much aside from the occasional pick up game.
I played hockey for like 8 years, it was fun, I was decent for a house league kid but gave up on it eventually.
I also like to do archery... I play tennis as well, although this forum seems to have it out against tennis, dunno why, fun game, good for reflexes.

I think that's pretty much it although I will try pretty much anything, I try to be as competitive as I can be, driven to win and all that stuff.