Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
Yes I am happy with the size of the crowd last night 29,852 which was very legit. Not like last years crowds where they said they had 22,000 but really only like 12,000 was in attendance. A lot of thanks still has to go to the ticat fans for coming to the game. Next home game should be a good crowd with Saskatchewan in town. But I scared everything will go downhill when b.c comes in for that Tuesday game.
Yes..that Tuesday game. So tell me how Rudge is responsible for that great scheduling gem.

Do us all a favour, Rocket. Come up with an intelligent take on something, specifically without mentioning Rudge. If 1argoholic is telling you to cool it (and I happen to know he is the #1 supporter of freedom of speech on this site) than you have obviously gone too far. We get it...move on.