Did Jozy say the pitch caused him cramps too?

My point is that I would probably be much more of a TFC fan if there was not such a clear animus towards the Argos from many TFC fans. CFL and NFL are two different games; I have been to many NFL games (including Bills games), and NCAA games, and CIS games, etc., and can make a judgment on the quality of different versions of football, thank you.

As Dave Dickenson said, "Who knows if that can be resolved? The grass stops at a certain yard line and the one end zone is just regular. When you have the two different surfaces that’s tough on guys with their cleats... But I love the stadium. I think it’s a great size. I like grass, I can’t believe how green it is out there.” Or, as Rick Campbell said when it comes to the field, "But that’s part of the deal and we won’t make a big focus on that." Not sure where I see someone blaming the field for their performance, or claiming that it caused injury.