Quote Originally Posted by Stevoman View Post
Yes the world is becoming a sad place indeed. For the most part, it makes sense to live counter culturally (to value family over money, etc.) and cheering for the Argos and the CFL right now fits into that category. Lots of society is going to follow what the media is telling them and the world believes that the NFL is bigger and better. We all know that this is only because of NFL's money/marketing/hype. The game itself is different but certainly not better and neither are majority of the the players. For me, I love football and the Argonauts are a team I love but I also really like the Seahawks.
The biggest difference for me and why I love one and only like the other is also because of money. It's unbelievable to me that a quarterback can make 24 million a year or that a safety who signed for 6 million a season 2 years ago is holding out for more with 3 years left on his contract. Meanwhile the CFL has guys like Kackert making a couple of hundred dollars on a practice roster and having an incredible comeback. The CFL has more players playing because they love the game and being a part of something and there are far fewer selfish players who only view themselves as a brand. Those who know will always appreciate this about the CFL and those who don't are simply a product of our times.
Great post Stevoman.

Multi million dollar players complaining that they deserve more has really turned me off the other leagues as well. I still love my Leafs, and do enjoy the NFL, but they are a distant 2nd in terms of my sports preference to the CFL.