Quote Originally Posted by GreyDragon View Post
As of right now, the Argos hold the number one pick in next year's draft.
It has been traded away, along with a third round pick and a starting DB, for a QB who has looked terrible and is not playing.
Those facts alone warrant dismissal of JB and SM for bad management.
I don't see how anyone could think otherwise.

The ONLY way they could be kept is if ownership dictated that the club do whatever it deemed necessary to make a run at the Grey Cup. With Ray injured at the time, and no clearly capable replacement, a desperation move would be required. That move would be on ownership then, not JB/SM.
The third option is that they brass knew this season was lost so they decided to blow it up now. They traded for their QB of the future and cut other riff raff they no longer wanted to put up with. You are assuming that the entire brass don't communicate or have any clue to what's going on. Clearly Milo sold the brass on his vision to fix the ship and they are giving him the shot.

All actual evidence shows that Milo will be back next season Willy will be the starter. And if any firings will be happening it won't be until next season if this plan does not work.

There's a big difference between wanting someone fired vs looking at what is actually occurring. (Because we all agree that every Milo and Barker move lately were solely done to save their jobs for this year)