Quote Originally Posted by ArgoGabe22 View Post
I think the players do deserve more but that doesn't mean the owners are the bad guys. Without owners willing to lose money each season, some of these players wouldn't be playing. If Argos, TiCats had folded that means at least 100 players would be unemployed today and who knows how many throughout the years.

Some may argue against this and I get why some enjoy it but negotiations would be run a lot more smoother if twitter was out of the equation. Yes we get news on the spot but some of the players tweets kind of bother me, it looks they are going after Cohon's head. I give credit to those who have an account and just keep things "professional" by not saying anything.

At the end of the day, a sport shouldn't define a career. I have always seen playing in the CFL more of a hobby by choice then a profession and makes the CFL more special to me then the glitz and glamour of the NFL. Paris Jackson said "you don't play in the CFL for the money". I could play football in Sweden for $10 a game, doesn't mean I have to. I do agree with former Rider Scott Shultz, "Players need incrs pay #NoQuestion but lets be realistic & not so short sided - no CFL = big wakeup call #PartyOver #BetterGetta9to5"
You don't take the knocks & make the sacrifices that these players make if it's a hobby. CFL players might not be paid like pros in other leagues but they bring a professional mentality when it's time to play. That is what truly makes the CFL product great & it makes you forget as a fan that a lot of these guys have to take a second job to support themselves & their families. If you had a bunch of guys half-assing it out there, the CFL would have died a long time ago.

The prospects for the league have been looking better than they have been in a long time. The TV money more than doubles starting this year, Ottawa is back in the league with stable ownership, new stadiums for Winnipeg, Hamilton & Saskatchewan here or soon coming. Sure the team we cheer for isn't in a good position but in comparison to other times in league history, this is nothing. I can't blame the players for looking at this stuff & wanting to cut an improved deal for themselves. These aren't millionaires....