All the previous posters are to be commended for their many excellent ideas. I hope Argo management read and consider implementing, in some form or other, some of these very worthwhile suggestions. "Mightygoose", "SnowRogue" and "RB957" in particular provided a plethora of good ideas and Argo management would be wise, to at least consider some of their suggestions. The suggestion by "Gillthethrill" of having a beat writer along the lines of the Ti-Cat's Drew Edwards, is a really important suggestion. Most of my friends and acquaintances, know hardly anything about the players or any of the human interest stories attached to players. The more the general public become aware of these things, the more likely some might be persuaded to actually see the players in real life.

I have been informed by an Argo staff member that this site is read by the Argo management. Hopefully, they will do more than just read the suggestions made by the above posters.

The only suggestion I would add, would be to allow STH'S to purchase a season pass to the tailgating at a greatly reduced price (1/2 or 1/3 of the regular $30 per game price)