I ask again: did some try to get the "Rogers sucks" chant going last game like i heard would be tried; and if not - why not (very disappointing); and if it was tried, did the Rogers Gestapo try to do anything about it?

One last home game, and I would love to see some Argo fans make an effort to mock, humiliate, insult or otherwise p.o. those scumbag, wannabe, corporate sleazeball Rogers @$$-hats. It would be fitting for what the Argos were put thru by those clowns this year and they deserve it anyways for being a scum company - a nice Argo middle finger salute send-off to that hole. Chant, hold up signs, cause disturbances that send their little pin-head Gestapo twits into a frenzy, etc. etc. Please ;o)