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09-20-2012, 09:55 AM
Midnight Blue can now post to his heart's content!

Midnight Blue
09-23-2012, 11:41 PM
Dude, the Head-Bangin' thread was in honour of Dontrelle Inman, who smacked the goal-post, walked away, and went on to play well. The Head-Bangin' thread, was, always meant, to be a music thread, and yes, dedicated to Dontrelle Inman. At first I was amused that you started a poetry thread for me, but frankly, after this, I wonder what is going on in your head. If you have a problem with me, please say something directly to me on this forum, or PM me if you wish. I don't bite. Or take another approach and contact the Moderators, if that is your style.

Cheers !


Midnight Blue
09-24-2012, 01:42 AM
Anyway, everything is cool, Argofan87.

Perhaps the fault was mine, for not explaining what Head-Bangin' is. It's a comical reference to Hard Rockers (also called Airheads -- hey, I've had blonde streaks in my hair since '91 {some from blonde hi-lites, and some from actual real blonde chicks I've known}), and it was started by some dudes who decided to actually bang their heads against a wall, when listening to Kick-Ass Rock 'n' Roll. I thought it was funny as hell, but I admit I never tried it, being an occasional, um, smoker. Anyway, we Hard Rock, Kick-Assers have embraced the title of Head-Bangers (ok, I just now have head-banged a wall for the first time, at least intentionally), cus' well, it's fun.

So, that was the spirit behind the Head-Bangin' thread.

Ok, some Helix :

(Warning : Some mild, un-provocative titties, are evident in the fore and back-ground.)


Midnight Blue
09-24-2012, 01:52 AM
Argos Battle Song, anyone?

Someone, I think Fungi, suggested a month or so ago that we need an Argos Battle Song, and he suggested that I write the lyrics. I was flattered, naturally, of course, but I'm really not that good. But this is a start.

Cheers !

Midnight Blue
09-24-2012, 05:25 AM
Well, if anyone is wondering why I'm still up, consider it a perquisite, of working freelance.

An hour or so ago, under a clear shimmering sky, the planet Venus was 15 degrees above the eastern horizon, in all her glory; Jupiter, 40 degrees above horizon south-east, and Sirius, almost directly under Jupiter, 20 degrees above horizon. The three brightest objects in the sky, after the Sun and Moon. Very cool. And many, many Stars are visible on clear, crisp nights, even in downtown T.O. Not like up North, of course, but still impressive.

Anyway, here's Quiet Riot, "Bang Your Head" :

