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View Full Version : Interesting poll results on TSN.ca

01-27-2012, 10:33 AM
Who is the top QB in the East Division?

Henry Burris (HAM)- 7.9%
Anthony Calvillo (MTL)- 41.2%
Buck Pierce (WPG)- 7.8%
Ricky Ray (TOR)- 42.9%

It's not a scientific poll nor is it polling supposed experts, but I suppose it's interesting that the plurality of voters believe that the Argonauts have a leg-up at QB over the Alouettes. We haven't been able to even consider making that claim since 1997 since Doug Flutie would have been up against Tracy Ham in that poll.

01-27-2012, 10:39 AM
Its Pretty accurate...Ricky is still in his PRIME...and AC, while awesome...has MAYBE 1 year left......

Condredge Holloway was asked how he knew when it was time to retire, and he said something to this effect..."when you start worring about getting hit, and getting hurt..its time"...last year AC looked to me like he was "playing scared"...not all the time...but it was noticable... things tend to hurt more when your 40ish, compared to 20ish...
