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03-04-2013, 07:28 PM
Finished watching uncle buck starring one of my favourites Tdots own John candy, and couldn't help but think Argos while I'm watching it,I need a new Argos jersey, so what about one of the biggest double blue fans ever John candy? Has anyone seen any fan wear his jersey??

03-04-2013, 08:04 PM
He was the absolute best.

03-04-2013, 08:11 PM
He never played for the team.

03-04-2013, 08:52 PM
He never played for the team. obviously!! But he did more for the Argos in Toronto then any other member of the organization, player or personnel!

03-04-2013, 08:55 PM
obviously!! But he did more for the Argos in Toronto then any other member of the organization, player or personnel!

True, but does that mean people were getting his name on the back of their jerseys? They were getting Ismail or Dunigan I suspect?

03-04-2013, 09:05 PM
True, but does that mean people were getting his name on the back of their jerseys? They were getting Ismail or Dunigan I suspect? I've seen a lot of rockets and dunigans , but this was more for a tribute for Tdots beloved son mr.candy, thought it would be pretty cool to have his name on a vintage Argos jersey..

03-04-2013, 09:54 PM
I've seen a lot of rockets and dunigans , but this was more for a tribute for Tdots beloved son mr.candy, thought it would be pretty cool to have his name on a vintage Argos jersey..

I'm for it. I'd have number 91 to go with his name with the 91 jersey.

and planes,trains and automobiles remains my favorite movie. I actually defined the 2012 season with it as i've been to TO using all 3 modes of transportation last year.

03-04-2013, 11:56 PM
LOVE John Candy. I'd do that, get number 91 with Candy. That would rock. Still remember driving off Lake Simcoe from a great day of ice fishing after catching a sweet 16 lb laker. I turned on CFNY, don't think it was EDGE yet and hearing the news of his death. My buddy and I were hit between the eyes with that news.

We have a John Candy Remembers poster hanging in the next room.

A bunch of us Argoholics did a crazy roadtrip to Ottawa in 91. We drove all the way there watched the game and drove back to Mississauga and Richmond Hill because my buddy had to leave very early to drive way up north for a fly in fishing trip. Anyhow John Candy sat a row down and a few seats over from us. I got him to sign an Argo towel I had. Still want to frame that. At least four or five times that game I would start an uncle Buck chant and the whole section would start yelling it. John kept getting up and waving. He was the best hands down.
That was also the trip when we met Ping for the first time while he sat with his buddy Pong. Fun times.

03-05-2013, 07:51 AM
I loved John Candy, I was absolutely shocked when he passed away. Great Man, Great Canadian, Great supporter of the CFL. One of my favourite movies was Only the Lonely, his work with Maureen O'Hara was fantastic.

03-05-2013, 07:22 PM
He was my favourite comedian. Why? Because he is the only one whose humour was always pointed at himself rather than others and yet reflected the humanity in all of us. I think an Argo John Candy jersey would be great as he symbolizes all the loyal Argo fans who stuck with the Argos through thick and thin. He even put his money where his mouth was by buying into the team when I am sure he knew from the financial history of the team that there could well be no return on his investment.

03-06-2013, 09:57 AM
#91 is a good choice for Argonaut lore.
One other option I'd suggest is #56. That Candy documentary talked about his high school football days, playing on the O-line. In one photo it shows him in his high school letterman jacket with #56 on it.
link- http://www.johncandy.com/PhotoDetail.aspx?PhotoID=66

03-06-2013, 04:05 PM
I for one like the Candy idea. Its a jersey that will never get old, like 1argoholic always says guys don't last long enough these days to get a name on a jersey so this is a nice touch which honours our would be future owner (if the deal would actually go through or not).

03-06-2013, 08:14 PM
I for one like the Candy idea. Its a jersey that will never get old, like 1argoholic always says guys don't last long enough these days to get a name on a jersey so this is a nice touch which honours our would be future owner (if the deal would actually go through or not).
Couldn't have said it better argogabe, players get traded or released all the time, I would go broke if I had to keep up with all the players that have come and gone, so I guess I'm going to get this candy Argo jersey!! Anyone else in?? Lol

03-08-2013, 02:50 PM
I worked with his cousin and he was just like John Candy. Always smiling and laughing. However, I have never seen him look sadder than when he returned from the funeral.

03-11-2013, 08:14 PM
His birthday was october 31. the argos could have chosen the november 1 game against montreal to make such a tribute. he would have been 63.
