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View Full Version : New Pres for MLSE

04-26-2013, 05:56 PM
Tim L..... new president of MLSE
So at first when I heard this..... On the Brian Hayes show ( the more I hear him the more Hayes seems like a Rogers mole ..... nFL promoter..... Not a word of the CFL ..... But did mention the rock ) he was promoting Tim L...? ( spelling) and his ability to make Toronto NFL ready.
But when I actually heard the interview with Tim L. , he seems like a go getter but knows his focus will be the existing teams in TO and changing/improving the fan- team relationship. He also wants to improve the culture and excitement of sports in Toronto and make it an attractive destination for fans and athletes alike.
When Naylor directly asked regarding the NFL.... Tim said if that ever becomes an issue he may be able to help out, but he first has to focus on what is already in MLSEs portfolio, and if there would be any acquisitions he would have to examine the market and community's ability to handle such acquisitions. ( at least Naylor included the Rock, an NFL team and the Argos as possible acquisitions)

Hats off..... The new pres Seems like a smart guy ...... He may be hands on but he does his homework....
and the excitement the Argos have started with winning the Grey Cup may be followed up by the MLSE teams. wait a go Argos! Set the trend!
Go Rock Go !

Ps.....L.Tannenbaum also stipulated that MLSE is not aiming to get an NFL team anytime soon in that it isn't even on the agenda.
So what's with the stupid media reading idiotic things into a hiring!

04-26-2013, 09:29 PM
Furthermore, Lieweke wasn't exactly successful at getting Los Angeles an NFL team. Anyway, we have talked ad nauseum on here about the numerous obstacles Toronto faces in getting an NFL team and that, realistically, it won't be happening. Lieweke has more than enough on his plate with the present collection of MLSE teams anyway.

04-28-2013, 12:46 PM
Furthermore, Lieweke wasn't exactly successful at getting Los Angeles an NFL team. Anyway, we have talked ad nauseum on here about the numerous obstacles Toronto faces in getting an NFL team and that, realistically, it won't be happening. Lieweke has more than enough on his plate with the present collection of MLSE teams anyway.

maybe start with winning one, just one championship among its 3 teams and we'll see ;)
