View Full Version : Matt Cauz on YouTubing old CFL games

08-29-2013, 04:07 PM
I liked this article a lot although I don't agree at all with Cauz's feelings about the Argos' uniforms in 1987: http://www.cfl.ca/article/cauz-youtubing-old-cfl-games-and-loving-it

08-31-2013, 08:43 PM
I don't know a lot about Matt Cauz, but he's reacting to those uniforms as if its the first time he's ever saw them. Is he only in his 20s? Well, if he hates that uniform and logo, I wonder what he thinks of the logo they had in '89/90...or the hideous uniforms they had in the mid '90s.

08-31-2013, 10:12 PM
For those who haven't seen it yet, lots of great old Argo vids on my YT channel. Check out the playlists especially (if you have some time to kill).


08-31-2013, 10:22 PM
Anyone know where to find some old 50s footage? I saw a piece about a guy (I forget his name or where I saw it, but it was fairly recently) who I believe either worked or freelanced for CBC, and he was basically a cameraman, director, producer, a basic jack of all trades, who filmed all sorts of CFL games in the beginning of television broadcasts, and saved all the footage. Now the footage is sitting somewhere in either the Hall of Fame or the CBC archives. I would really love to see that footage.

09-01-2013, 10:13 AM
I don't know a lot about Matt Cauz, but he's reacting to those uniforms as if its the first time he's ever saw them. Is he only in his 20s? Well, if he hates that uniform and logo, I wonder what he thinks of the logo they had in '89/90...or the hideous uniforms they had in the mid '90s.

If anyone has ever listened to to Matt Cauz on TSN radio, it's pretty obvious that he isn't an expert of any kind in sports. I have no idea how CFL.CA gets him to write a column. He and Bob Mackowitz (sp?) follow the Richards show on TSN weekday mornings. Cauz was born into a rich family that likely bought every job he has ever had, and Mackowitz is very close friends with Michael Landsberg, so I'm sure Landsberg had some pull in getting him to where he is. Neither should be on the air of an all sports station.
