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View Full Version : MY argo birthday gifts

02-21-2014, 08:52 PM

incase your wondering yes i like john candy lol. if u have anything of his ur willing to sell let me know

03-04-2014, 12:11 PM
It was 20 years ago today that John Candy died at the age of 43. I got his autograph at an Argo game in Hamilton in 1992 when he was standing on the sideline near the Argo bench. The Argos gave away a John Candy poster at the home opener that year which I still have on my wall.

03-04-2014, 12:36 PM
It was 20 years ago today that John Candy died at the age of 43. I got his autograph at an Argo game in Hamilton in 1992 when he was standing on the sideline near the Argo bench. The Argos gave away a John Candy poster at the home opener that year which I still have on my wall.

I have only heard good things about Candy as owner from stories in the Double Blue history book as well as that TSN special on him. I have seen many people have the John Candy Christmas card autographed. I know most owners aren't celebrities but he really was the face of the franchise rather than take a back seat like other celebrity owners. Has there been an owner more passionate about his team? Or willing to go the extra mile for the fans?
