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View Full Version : Calgary fan poll on their site about McMahon music during games.

06-23-2012, 12:23 AM
I know we've been talking about the crap they are playing at Argo games.

Here's the Calgary results after 981 votes at the time.

Rock 33%
Country 23%
Hip Hop/Rap 18%
Golden Oldies 17%
Heavy Metal 10%

I bet most would have thought Calgary was all country. I have music from two good Calgary bands that would fall into varieties of punk, Rum Runner and Knucklehead. Also a rockabilly band we saw last Calgary Grey Cup and bought a cd, Hurricane Felix and The Southern Twisters. All solid stuff.

06-23-2012, 01:02 AM
Outstanding idea by the Stamps! I actually guessed hard rock and country in that order - I've spent a lot of my life in Calgary-like cities, they're not listening to the stuff the Argos play, that's for sure! Good for Calgary!

06-23-2012, 01:32 AM
Not surprising for Calgary. i would imagine alberta based country gets play. The only Calgary based band i ever saw live was a band called the Von Zippers, but somehow i don't think the CFL would approve of their music.

06-23-2012, 07:24 AM
I like the idea of doing the poll of the fans. I wonder if Argos fans if polled, would be much different.
